Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Customized Header

Special thanks to my beautiful and talented sister, Emily, for designing my title graphic. I know I'm slow putting up pictures, but I'll get to it, don't worry.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cleaning out my closet

I wanted to use my first post to show some illustrative pictures that I've done. The first ones are some watercolor paintings I did in trying to put together a children's ABC Book of Holidays. Unfortunately I had to abandon it when I found out publishing a book isn't cheap. But if anyone has an extra 5 grand to throw my way, I'll take it.

I wanted to create simple, kind of iconic images, and include as many different cultures as I could.
These next pictures were some illustrations I did for another book that was never published. I was "commissioned" by a man and his wife to illustrate a story he had written. He had published at least one other book, so I assumed they knew what they were doing, but I finished the pictures, and the book just kind of went nowhere. This may be the only way these see the light of day.
The cover

A preliminary sketch I did. Probably more powerful than any of the color pictures.

I'm pretty sure this was before Pirates of the Caribbean.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Huh?? What??

I am going to use this blog to share my personal artwork with anyone who wants to see it, and any other cool stuff I happen to run across. As soon as I can, I will have pictures of my work up. Yay!